What is the Omicron Variant of COVID-19?
By James Vito, DMD
Dr. Vito's Newsletters
November 29, 2021
By the numbers: There are as of Friday November 26,2021: 49,050,917 positive cases to date in the U.S. and 799,138 deaths to date in the U.S.. This is up 1,288,381 and 5,668 respectively over last wee...
Can Baking Soda Improve Your Oral Health?
November 24, 2021
Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, has many uses in cleaning and cooking. However, its usefulness doesn’t end there, as it also has applications in oral health. When looking for new ways to imp...
Winter COVID-19 Forecast. Will We Experience a Rise in Cases?
By James Vito, DMD
Dr. Vito's Newsletters
November 22, 2021
Sending Thanksgiving greetings to you and your families, and wishing you all a Safe and Healthy start to this Holiday Season. By the numbers: There are as of Friday November 20,2021: 47,762,536 ...
After Oral Surgery: 4 Tips for a Comfortable Recovery
Oral Surgery
November 17, 2021
As with any surgical procedure, aftercare is crucial to promote healing and prevent complications following oral surgery. Whether you’ve had a tooth extraction or you’re getting a bone gra...