What Causes Sensitive Teeth?
September 28, 2022
Teeth sensitivity is a rather frustrating oral health issue that can prevent you from enjoying hot or cold foods and beverages. It can also keep you from chewing and, in some cases, even talking comfo...
What are the Side Effect of the New COVID Booster?
The Most Common Side Effects Of The New COVID Booster Jabs: The most recent COVID subvariants are more contagious than ever and are only expected to grow more transmissible as the virus cont...
Recognizing the Symptoms of TMD
Oral Surgery
September 21, 2022
The TMJ or the temporomandibular joint is a sliding-hinge-like joint that connects the jawbone to your skull. If you frequently suffer from severe jaw pain, have noticed ringing in your ears, or exper...
Flu Season is Upon Us!
By James Vito, DMD
Dr. Vito's Newsletters
September 18, 2022
Flu season will soon be upon us. Flu season runs from November to April. The flu vaccine typically lasts about 6 months. You should try and get it closer to the November timeline so it can carry you t...